# Actions

Avo actions allow you to perform specific tasks on one or more of your records. For example, you might want to mark a user as active/inactive and optionally send a message that may be customized by the person that wants to run the action.

Once you attach an action to a resource using the actions method it will appear in the Actions dropdown.

Actions dropdown

# Overview

You generate one running bin/rails generate avo:action toggle_active creating an action configuration file.

class ToggleActive < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = 'Toggle active'

  field :notify_user, as: :boolean, default: true
  field :message, as: :text, default: 'Your account has been marked as inactive.'

  def handle(**args)
    models, fields, current_user, resource = args.values_at(:models, :fields, :current_user, :resource)

    models.each do |model|
      if model.active
        model.update active: false
        model.update active: true

      # Optionally you may send a notification with the message to that user from inside the action
      UserMailer.with(user: model).toggle_active(fields[:message]).deliver_later

    succeed 'Perfect!'

You may add fields to the action just as you do it in a resource. Adding fields is optional. You may have actions that don't have any fields attached.

field :notify_user, as: :boolean
field :message, as: :textarea, default: 'Your account has been marked as inactive.'
Avo actions

The handle method is where the magic happens. This is where you put your action logic. In this method, you will have access to the selected models (if there's only one it will be automatically wrapped in an array) and, the values passed to the fields.

def handle(**args)
  models, fields = args.values_at(:models, :fields)

  models.each do |model|
    if model.active
      model.update active: false
      model.update active: true

    # Optionally you may send a notification with the message to that user.
    UserMailer.with(user: model).toggle_active(fields[:message]).deliver_later

  succeed 'Perfect!'

# Registering actions

To add an action to one of your resources, you need to declare it on the resource using the action method.


class UserResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.title = :name
  self.search = [:id, :first_name, :last_name]

  field :id, as: :id
  # other fields

  action ToggleActive

# Action responses

After an action runs, you may use a few methods to respond to the user. You may respond with just a message or with a message and an action.

The default response is to reload the page and show the Action ran successfully message.

# Message responses

You will have two message response methods at your disposal succeed and fail. These will render out green or red alerts to the user.



def handle(**args)
  models = args[:models]

  models.each do |model|
    if model.admin?
      fail "Can't mark inactive! The user is an admin."
      model.update active: false

      succeed "Done! User marked as inactive!"
Avo succeed message Avo fail message

# Response types

After you notify the user about what happened through a message, you may want to execute an action like reload (default action) or redirect_to. You may use message and action responses together.


def handle(**args)
  models = args[:models]

  models.each do |model|
    if model.admin?
      fail "Can't mark inactive! The user is an admin."
      model.update active: false

      succeed "Done! User marked as inactive!"


The available action responses are:

# reload

When you use reload, a full-page reload will be triggered.


def handle(**args)
  models = args[:models]

  models.each do |project|
    project.update active: false

  succeed 'Done!'

# redirect_to

redirect_to will execute a redirect to a new path of your app.


def handle(**args)
  models = args[:models]

  models.each do |project|
    project.update active: false

  succeed 'Done!'
  redirect_to '/avo/resources/users'

# download

download will start a file download to your specified path and filename.

You need to set may_download_file to true for the download response to work like below. That's required because we can't respond with a file download (send_data) when making a Turbo request.

If you find another way, please let us know 😅.



class DownloadFile < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = "Download file"
  self.may_download_file = true

  def handle(**args)
    models = args[:models]

    models.each do |project|
      project.update active: false

      report_data = project.generate_report_data
      report_filename = project.report_filename

    succeed 'Done!'

    if report_data.present? and report_filename.present?
      download report_data, report_filename

# Customization


class TogglePublished < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = 'Mark inactive'
  self.message = 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as inactive?'
  self.confirm_button_label = 'Mark inactive'
  self.cancel_button_label = 'Not yet'
  self.no_confirmation = true

# Customize the message

You may update the self.message class attribute to customize the message if there are no fields present.

# Customize the buttons

You may customize the labels for the action buttons using confirm_button_label and cancel_button_label.

Avo button labels

# No confirmation actions

By default when you run an action you will be prompted by a confirmation modal. If you don't want to show the confirmation modal, pass in the self.no_confirmation = true class attribute. This will execute the action without showing the modal at all.

# Standalone actions

You may need to run actions that are not necessarily tied to a model. Standalone actions help you do just that. Add self.standalone to an existing action to do that or generate a new one using the --standalone option (bin/rails generate avo:action global_action --standalone).


class DummyAction < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = "Dummy action"
  self.standalone = true

  def handle(**args)
    fields, current_user, resource = args.values_at(:fields, :current_user, :resource)

    # Do something here

    succeed 'Yup'

# Hide actions on specific screens

You may want to hide specific actions on specific screens, like a standalone action on the Show screen. You can do that using the self.visible attribute.


class DummyAction < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = "Dummy action"
  self.standalone = true
  self.visible = -> (resource:, view:) { view == :index }

  def handle(**args)
    fields, current_user, resource = args.values_at(:fields, :current_user, :resource)

    # Do something here

    succeed 'Yup'