# Upgrade guide

# Upgrade from 1.21 to 1.22

# Update your sidebar & logo partials

Following this (opens new window) recommendation we moved the root_path link from the _sidebar partial to the _logo partial. So, if you ejected the _sidebar or _logo partial you need to do the same updates as in this commit (opens new window). If you only ejected the _logo partial, you only need to do the _logo update.

<!-- app/views/avo/partials/_logo.html.erb -->
<!-- Before -->
<%= image_tag '/avo-assets/logo.png', class: 'h-full', title: 'Avo' %>

<!-- After -->
<%= link_to root_path, class: 'logo-placeholder h-16 bg-white p-2 flex justify-center' do %>
  <%= image_tag '/avo-assets/logo.png', class: 'h-full', title: 'Avo' %>
<% end %>
<!-- app/views/avo/sidebar/_sidebar.html.erb -->
<!-- Before -->
<%= link_to root_path, class: 'logo-placeholder h-16 bg-white p-2 flex justify-center' do %>
  <%= render partial: "avo/partials/logo" %>
<% end %>

<!-- After -->
<%= render partial: "avo/partials/logo" %>

# Upgrade from 1.19 to 1.20

# Removed webpacker in favor of jsbundling with esbuild

In this release, we replaced webpacker with jsbundling. That should not interfere with your asset pipeline, but if you get any unwanted behavior, you should know we made this change now. Also, get in contact with us to see if we need to make any changes on our end.

# Changes to the path helpers

We tidied up our path helpers. If you use any of the following methods in your custom tools/fields (you might use it if you ejected the sidebar.html.erb partial), please update them accordingly by following the source code (opens new window). The changes evolved around transforming the positional arguments into named arguments.

  • resources_path
  • resource_path
  • new_resource_path
  • edit_resource_path
  • resource_attach_path
  • resource_detach_path
  • related_resources_path

# Upgrade from 1.16 to 1.17

# New actions arguments

On 1.17 we are exposing the current_user and the resource in actions. Because the arguments changed you need to update all your action's handle method to support the new arguments.


# app/avo/actions/YOUR_ACTION_FILE.rb
class TogglePublished < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = "Toggle post published"
  self.message = "Are you sure, sure?"

-  def handle(models:, fields:) # remove this line
+  def handle(**args) # add these three lines
+    models, fields, current_user, resource = args.values_at(:models, :fields, :current_user, :resource)
    models.each do |model|
      if model.published_at.present?
        model.update published_at: nil
        model.update published_at: DateTime.now

    succeed "Purrrfect!"

# Upgrade from 1.13 to 1.14

# Add files authorization methods

On 1.14 we added the ability to control what buttons/inputs are displayed on the File and Files fields. If you use pundit you have to add these methods to your model's policy.

# app/policies/YOUR_MODEL_policy.rb

class ProjectPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
  # Other policy methods

  def upload_attachments?

  def download_attachments?

  def delete_attachments?

# Upgrade from 1.9.x to 1.10.x

# Add ransack to your dependencies

Because ransack adds the search method (opens new window) to models it's incompatible with other gems like elasticsearch-rails. We're removing this dependency from the gem and you need to add it for yourself to your app to continue to use search from Avo

# Gemfile
gem 'ransack'

# Upgrade from 1.5.x to 1.6.x

# Add your current_user method to avo configuration.

We removed the devise assumption. If you use devise (opens new window) you need to add your current_user method to configuration.

# config/initializers/avo.rb
Avo.configure do |config|
  config.current_user_method = :current_user

# Upgrade from 0.4.x to 1.0

If you're upgrading from 0.4.x please follow the steps below to account for the API changes. If you're starting fresh, please follow the guides to Defining resources.

# Resources

# Resources inherit from Avo::BaseResource


  • all resources are standalone classes
  • all resources inherit from Avo::BaseResource
  • no more opening up the Avo namespace
  • resource classes have the Resource suffix
  • resource files have the _resource.rb suffix

All resources should now inherit from Avo::BaseResource. This is a pattern more widely used for these kinds of DSLs. Also all resources now have the Resource suffix (ex: app/avo/resources/user.rb becomes app/avo/resources/user_resource.rb with the class UserResource).


# 0.4.x notation
# app/avo/resources/post.rb
module Avo
  module Resources
    class Post < Resource
      def initialize

      fields do
        text :name

      use_action ToggleAdmin



# 1.0 notation
# app/avo/resources/post_resource.rb
class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource

# Fields


  • the fields do declaration removed
  • all fields are declared with the class method field
  • the field type is declared using the as: attribute
# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Resources
    class Post < Resource
      fields do
        text :name
        file :logo
# 1.0 notation
class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  field :name, as: :text
  field :logo, as: :file

# heading field is now a class method


  • use the heading class method to add headings
# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Resources
    class Post < Resource
      fields do
        heading 'Post details'
        text :name
        file :logo
# 1.0 notation
class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  heading 'Post details'
  field :name, as: :text
  field :logo, as: :file

# Resource controllers

All resources must have their own controllers that inherit from Avo::ResourcesController. You may generate a controller for each of your existing resource using the bin/rails generate avo:controller RESOURCE_NAME command.

Ex: bin/rails generate avo:controller post.

From now on a controller will be generated when you generate an Avo resource.

# The initialize method removed


  • the initialize method removed
  • all options from initialize become class attributes


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Resources
    class Post < Resource
      def initialize
        @title = :name
        @includes = :user
        @default_view_type = :grid


# 1.0 notation
PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.title = :name
  self.includes = :user
  self.default_view_type = :grid

# Grid fields declaration


  • inside the grid do declaration you declare fields on the cover, title and body
  • each grid field will now hold it's own configuration. It's not passed on from the fields method anymore.

The grid fields declaration method has changed to match the regular fields declaration method. This way you can configure and customize the grid fields however you need them.

# 0.4.x notation
grid do
  preview :cdn_cover_photo
  title :name
  body :excerpt
# 1.0 notation
grid do
  cover :cdn_cover_photo, as: :external_image, required: true, link_to_resource: true
  title :name, as: :text, required: true, link_to_resource: true
  body :excerpt, as: :text do |model|
      ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(model.body).truncate 120
    rescue => exception

# has_devise_password renamed to devise_password_optional

The has_devise_password resource configuration has been renamed to devise_password_optional.


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Resources
    class User < Resource
      def initialize
        @title = :name
        @has_devise_password = true


# 1.0 notation
class UserResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.title = :name
  self.devise_password_optional = true

# Fields

# datetime field renamed to date_time


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Resources
    class Project < Resource
      def fields(request)
        f.datetime :started_at, name: 'Started', time_24hr: true, relative: true, timezone: 'EET'

# 1.0 notation
class ProjectResource < Avo::BaseResource
  field :started_at, as: :date_time, name: 'Started', time_24hr: true, relative: true, timezone: 'EET'

# date & date_time field format change

The formatting token for the date & date_time fields changed their format tokens from moment.js to ruby date format (opens new window). You may also use the Time::DATE_FORMATS (opens new window) tokens.

# Removed the currency and key_value fields.

We're going to bring them back in a later iteration.

# Filters

# Filters are standalone classes that inherit from base filter classes


  • all filters inherit from Avo::Filter::SelectFilter or Avo::Filter::BooleanFilter
  • all filters are standalone classes
  • no more opening up the Avo namespace
# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Filters
    class FeaturedFilter < BooleanFilter
# 1.0 notation
class FeaturedFilter < Avo::Filters::BooleanFilter

# use_filter deprecated


  • use_filter is deprecated
  • use the filter class method
# 0.4.x notation
use_filter Avo::Filters::FeaturedFilter
use_filter Avo::Filters::PublishedFilter
# 1.0 notation
class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  filter FeaturedFilter
  filter PublishedFilter

# Filters drop the name method


  • remove the name method from filters
  • add the self.name class attribute


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Filters
    class PublishedFilter < SelectFilter
      def name
        'Published status'


# 1.0 notation
class PublishedFilter < Avo::Filters::SelectFilter
  self.name = 'Published status'

# Actions

# Actions are standalone classes that inherit from Avo::BaseAction


  • all actions inherit from Avo::BaseAction class
  • all actions are standalone classes
  • no more opening up the Avo namespace

All filter should now inherit from the Avo::BaseAction class.

# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Actions
    class TogglePublished < Action
      def name
        'Toggle post published'
# 1.0 notation
class TogglePublished < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = 'Toggle post published'

# use_action is deprecated


  • use_action is deprecated
  • use the action class method
# 0.4.x notation
use_action Avo::Actions::TogglePublished
# 1.0 notation
class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  action TogglePublished

# Actions drops the label methods in favour of class attributes


  • name method becomes self.name class attribute
  • message method becomes self.message class attribute
  • confirm_text method becomes self.confirm_button_label class attribute
  • cancel_text method becomes self.cancel_button_label class attribute
  • no_confirmation method becomes self.no_confirmation class attribute


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Actions
    class TogglePublished < Action
      def name
        'Toggle post published'

      def message
        'Are you sure, sure?'

      def confirm_text

      def cancel_text
        "Don't toggle yet"

      def no_confirmation


# 1.0 notation
TogglePublished < Avo::BaseAction
  self.name = 'Toggle post published'
  self.message = 'Are you sure, sure?'
  self.confirm_button_label = 'Toggle'
  self.cancel_button_label = "Don't toggle yet"
  self.no_confirmation = true

# Fields


  • the fields do declaration removed
  • declare fields using the field class method


# 0.4.x notation
module Avo
  module Actions
    class ToggleInactive < Action

      fields do
        boolean :notify_user
        textarea :message, default: 'Your account has been marked as inactive.'


# 1.0 notation
class ToggleInactive < Avo::BaseAction
  field :notify_user, as: :boolean, default: true
  field :message, as: :text, default: 'Your account has been marked as inactive.'

# Locales

# Added a few more locales

Please run bin/rails generate avo:locales to refresh the locales file.