# Grid view

Avo grid view

Some resources are best displayed in a grid view. We can do that with Avo using a cover, a title and a body.

# Enable grid view

To enable grid view for a resource you need to add the grid block. This will add the view switcher to the Index view.

class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  # ...
  grid do
    cover :cover_photo, as: :file, link_to_resource: true
    title :name, as: :text, required: true, link_to_resource: true
    body :excerpt, as: :text
Avo view switcher

# Make default view

To make the grid the default way of viewing a resource Index we have to use the default_view_type class attribute.

class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.default_view_type = :grid

# Fields configuration

Besides the regular field methods you should add a new grid block that configures the grid fields. The main difference is that the fields are not declared using the field class method but three new ones cover, title and body


class PostResource < Avo::BaseResource
  self.default_view_type = :grid

  field :id, as: :id
  field :name, as: :text, required: true
  field :body, as: :textarea
  field :cover_photo, as: :file, is_image: true

  grid do
    cover :cover_photo, as: :file, is_image: true
    title :name, as: :text
    body :body, as: :textarea

This will render the Post resource index view as a Grid view using the selected fields. Avo will also display a button to toggle between the two view types :grid and :table.

These fields take the same options like those in the fields method, so you can configure them however you want.

For example, in the Grid view you might want to truncate the :body to a certain length and use an external image for the cover that you compute on the fly. And also render the :cover and the :title fields as links to that resource with link_to_resource: true.

grid do
  cover :logo, as: :external_image, link_to_resource: true do |model|
    if model.url.present?
  title :name, as: :text, link_to_resource: true
  body :excerpt, as: :text do |model|
      ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(model.body).truncate 130
    rescue => exception